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Fire Horns #1


Meat Puppet, an ancient alien comes to Earth looking for the mysterious Almar. He destroys the human race with his nanomites zombies. In the wake of it all, a team of superheroes called the Fire horns protects the last human refugee, Megatop, in Antarctica.

James Lichtenberg

Standard Comic
Full Color
Page Count: 16

Sixty-five million years ago, Meat Puppet, a telepathic puppeteer with a sense of humor amusing only to himself began inquests on Earth to find the Almar. His machinations ended the dinosaurs and zombified much of the human race as he quickly traveled impossible spaces of time. Seeing humanity at the brink, billionaire and scientist Larry Sutherland built Megatop City to protect its remnant. The frigid sanctuary in Antarctica was naturally defended against the spread of Meat Puppet”s abominations, the nanomites. Having bought time with his deep pockets and ingenuity, he set himself to work assembling an unlikely team of super heroes he called: The Fire Horns. This team became the last line of defense for the human race and its vanguard; racing to solve the enigma of the Almar before Meat Puppet.

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